lundi 13 août 2018

French conference about 18th century man hair and hairstyle


I gave a conference about men hair and hairstyle of the mid-18th century with the historian Michel Thévenin the August 11th. It was during the Rendez-vous d'histoire of Québec.

In just 30 minutes, we presented the actual movie representation of this period, the definition and the rights of practices of french wigmakers, a brief historic of this profession and a live demonstration for 2 hairstyles. It was a challenge for us to tell everything we wanted to tell.

More informations about wigmakers will come with later articles on this blog.

Also, here is some pictures of the conference. A special thanks to Joseph Gagné for these pictures!

 Crédit photo: Joseph Gagné
  Crédit photo: Joseph Gagné
  Crédit photo: Joseph Gagné
 Crédit photo: Joseph Gagné

I hope that people that came to see our conference were happy about it.

Mlle Canadienne

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Question de vocabulaire: casaquin, vêtement à plis ou sans plis?

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